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People could travel from place to place to exchange goods that led to seasonal markets.


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The development of a reliable food supply during the Neolithic Revolution allowed for the establishment of permanent settlements, leading to the formation of more complex social structures and political systems. The need to manage resources and coordinate agricultural activities likely contributed to the emergence of leadership roles and the development of early forms of governance. This shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities marked a significant transition towards more organized societies with centralized authority.

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Q: How did the creation of a reliable food supply lead to political changes during the Neolithic Revolution?
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Why did people continue to hunt and gather after the Neolithic revolution?

People continued to hunt and gather after the Neolithic Revolution because agriculture was not always reliable, and hunting and gathering provided a more varied diet. Additionally, some groups continued these practices for cultural reasons or because they lived in areas not suitable for farming.

What role did surplus food play in the Neolithic agricultural revolution?

Surplus food in the Neolithic agricultural revolution enabled population growth by providing a reliable food supply. It allowed for specialization of labor, leading to the development of complex societies and advancement of technologies. Surplus food also led to trade and the establishment of social hierarchies.

How did the environments impact the Neolithic revolution?

The environments played a crucial role in shaping the Neolithic revolution. Favorable environments with fertile land and reliable water sources allowed for the development of agriculture and sedentary settlements. This shift from nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyles to settled farming communities led to the rise of civilization and the establishment of social structures.

How did the Neolithic Revolution change social structures in early human communities?

The Neolithic Revolution led to the shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture. This change allowed for a more reliable food supply, leading to larger populations and permanent settlements. Social structures became more complex with the emergence of specialized roles and increased social stratification.

What did people have access to because of the Neolithic Revolution?

The Neolithic Revolution allowed people to transition from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities. This led to food surpluses, allowing for the development of permanent settlements, specialization of labor, and the emergence of complex societies. Additionally, it facilitated the domestication of plants and animals, providing a more stable and reliable food source.

Related questions

What was an important result of neolithic revolution?

Food supplies became more reliable.

What was the significance of the Neolithic revolution?

The Neolithic Period was from (8000-3000 BC).Artistic developments:Cave paintingsToolsClothPotteryMetalRock artMegalithsOther achievements:Farmers & herdersSkull "portraits"Musical instrumentsIndo-European language

What were the major improvements about the life during the Neolithic Age?

In the Neolithic Age, more tools were developed so that humans could spend less time working and more time doing other things like forming political structures. Agriculture, however, was probably the biggest improvement as it provided a constant and reliable food source.

Describe the Neolithic Revolution and its effect on human history?

The Neolithic Revolution, which begun 11,000 years ago, was when societies changed from hunting and gathering, to settled agriculture societies. With this revolution or major change, food supplies became more reliable as people domesticated animals and plant seed. Social and political systems developed in the settled societies.

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political action committee

Is the Bob Revolution Duallie 2010 reliable?

According to the site Mommynista, the BOB revolution Duallie 2010 Stroller is fairly reliable on all surfaces. However, there are a few drawbacks, for example, the basket is hard to access and Short Seat backs.

What was all necessary for a neolithic culture to envole into a civilization?

Agriculture had the potential to not only provide reliable sustenance and settlement, but also a surplus which could be diverted to cultural activity.

What is an agricultural revolution?

Agricultural revolution is when people began to domesticate plants and animals resulting in a reliable food supply. Many inventions were created during this time period, helping to invoke the industrial revolution.

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Most methods of execution are fairly reliable and practical. However, they have inherent problems that stem from human error and political issues.

What were changes that resulted from the Neolithic revolution?

Are you kidding me!! It was the start of civilization! People started getting smart and domesticated plants and animals( farming). I believe the first civilization that emerged was in Sumer between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers due to its rich soil after flooding. I'm positive you can find more on a website somewhere or a book, like your ninth grade history book.

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What is the neolithic period?

The Neolithic Age or New Stone Age was a period in the developement of human tech, it was thought to have begun around 9500 BC in the Middle East but different academics believe in different dates so you might want to go with the most reliable source. It is traditionally considered the last part of the Stone Age.