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Q: How did the crusaders take Jerusalem in the first crusade?
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What were the outcomes of each crusade?

1st Crusade - Franks took Jerusalem 2nd Crusade - Franks did not take Jerusalem 3rd Crusade - Franks did not take Jerusalem

Who won each crusade?

1st Crusade - Franks took Jerusalem 2nd Crusade - Franks did not take Jerusalem 3rd Crusade - Franks did not take Jerusalem

How long did it take for the first crusade to take Jerusalem?

8 rears to get there and 8 days to take over Jerusalem

In what way was the first crusade similar to the third crusade?

Both tried to take over Jerusalem

When did saladin take Jerusalem in the third crusade?

Saladin took Jerusalem in the Second Crusade, specifically in October of 1187. In the Third Crusade, Saladin started off in control of Jerusalem and Richard the Lionheart abandoned his marches on Jerusalem upon signing the Treaty of Jaffa. As a result, Saladin never lost control of Jerusalem during the Third Crusade and never had to retake it.

Crusaders take Jerusalem?


Where did Crusade take place?

the crusade took place in Jerusalem

How was the first crusade a way to expand the christian empire?

The crusaders were invading Israel and wanted to take land for the Christian Empire.

What happened during the first crusade?

basically, they gathered troops to take back holy land from Muslims. The first set of troops sent out, killed eachother. The second set of troops set out, got to Jerusalem and took it back from the Muslims. These warriors were known as crusaders.

Where did the eighth crusade take place?

The third crusade happen in Jerusemalum in 1984i've always believed that the third crusade happened in medieval times in/at jerusalem. the crusade was a plan to recapture the Holy lands from the Turks/Muslims. Which it did

What were the crusaders goals?

their goal was to take back Jerusalem from the Muslims, but they never did.

Why the crusaders fought?

To take back the Holy Land in Jerusalem from the Muslims