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Q: How did the crusades lead to culmbuis voyage of discovery?
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How did the Crusades lead to Columbus's voyage of discovery?


How did the crusades lead to columbus voyage of discovery?

It was in pursuit of such trade routes the Columbus "discovered" the New World.

Did the followers of Christianity led the crusades?

they lead the crusades yes. The crusades were an effort to retake Jerusalem.

Who lead the crusades?

each crusade was lead by a different person

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Christopher Columbus' Background?

Christopher Columbus is an Italian who was born in 1451. In 1492 he made a voyage which lead to his discovery of the Americas, although he thought he had actually landed in India. This is why he called the local people he discovered "Indians".

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What was the reason Francisco Pizarro to lead the voyage?

he frated

How does queen Isabella contribution effect us today?

Queen Isabella funded Christopher Columbus' voyage, which lead to his discovery of the North and South American continents. She also funded many other voyages and colony formations, which lead to the Spanish control of much of Central and South America.

How did the crusades lead to an insrease in learning in Europe?

much information lost in antiquity was kept by the Arabs, the crusades gave Christian Europe access to this data.

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It caused more Africans to be enslaved for work