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Q: How did the delegates settle the dispute over voting?
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The Great Compromise settled a dispute over how many representatives each state would have.

What did the great compromise settle the dispute over?

The Great Compromise settled a dispute over how many representatives each state would have.

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Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 adopted the Great Compromise to settle differences over?

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A "do over" is, in amateur sports played without a referee, when there's a dispute over whether a particular play was fair or not, or whether a shot went in or not, etc., someone calls a "do over", essentially meaning that the 2 teams will settle the dispute by rolling the game back and playing that play over again.

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The dispute over the northern boundary of the U.S. claim to the Oregon Territory was was settled in the Treaty of Oregon of 1846, during the presidency of James K. Polk. The treaty established the boundary between British Canada and the U.S. at 49-degrees latitude. -- Contributed by Ray Kovach, Chicago, IL

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21 syllables and come over to my house and get me pregnant

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The Hundred Years War was started over a dispute between England and France over who ruled France. The French king at the time had died, and no male heir was still living. The English king at the time claimed that he was distantly related and should get the throne. A dispute started over whether or not England should really have France, and the war began as a way to settle the dispute.

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The US gained territory from the war, and the Wilmot Proviso proposed a way to settle the dispute over slavery in the territory.

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somebody making judgment: somebody who can settle a dispute or decide an issueinfluential person: somebody with great influence over what people say, think, or do