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Q: How did the discovery and study of Kennewick Man affect previously held ideas about migration to the Americas?
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The Great Migration means that the Puritans left for the Americas.

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Kennewick man who was about 9,000 years old and a Caucasian found in Kennewick, Washington was the oldest American inhabitant. An older group of first nation Caucasians have now been located in Florida. So the answer is European type Caucasians were the first inhabitants of the Americas coast to coast.

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The 16th century was a time when religion, specifically Christianity, was a main reason for migration to the Americas. This was largely driven by the desire to spread Christianity and convert indigenous populations in the New World.

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Europeans, after columbuses discovery. europeans then (in late 1600s) introduced the africans into the Americas as slaves

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George washtin bridge

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It led to the Enlightenment and the idea of progress