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Q: How did the early settlers survive in Canadian climate?
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The early settlers of the Canadian Shield were the French, English, Scottish, and British.

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Jamestown early settlers faced harsh winters and were unable to grow the food they need to survive.

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He was worried that we( Early Settlers) would not be able to survive through the financial crisis so he did not want us ( Early Settlers) to waste our ( Early Settlers) money in that useless way.

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Australia wasn't a particularly easy place to be for the settlers that came there. The climate was so vastly different from what they were used to, that they didn't know how to grow their crops and many people died to some diseases. It was very difficult for them to survive there.

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People would call them Pioneers

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They were killed for meat and bones so the early settlers could survive.

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Crops became important to their economy.

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The Native Americans in the area organized the early colonists and helped them survive. These natives showed the people what to eat and taught them about the nature and climate of the area.

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many early settlers came to the new world as indentured servants. They were either paying of debts, serving out prison terms or very desperate to survive.

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The Early Hawaiian settlers are the Polynesian settlers.

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