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Q: How did the egyptians predict when nile would flood each year?
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How did the Egyptians predict the flooding of the Nile?

They really did not predict - they just realised that it happened at the same period each year.

Why did ancient Egyptians settle?

The Nile was their life source! It would flood at the same time each year and when the water cleared away it would leave silt over the ground and help their crops grow!

How years are made?

The year was decided by the egyptians. It was designed 365 days each, since every 365 days, the flood of the Neil* would occur, thus the year was of 365 days.

In Ancient Egypt the Nile River flood each year in June. How did the annual flooding of the Nile affect the Ancient Egyptians?

The flood waters left slit on the farmland, which provided nutrients for the soil

Who predicted the nile river would probably flood?

they Egyptians made a calendar by looking at the stars and each year they found out it flooded at the same time period all the time

How would the world be different if Noah did not take his family and pair of each animal on the ark to weather the flood?

There would be no land animals or people, since all would have perished in the Flood.

How did ancient egyptians know when the Nile River would flood?

The Egyptians new because every year birds called the Ibises would fly by shortly before the nile was going to flood. Also Egyptian priests' would study the sky has part of their religion. They noticed that a star now called Sirius would show before the Nile would flood. Based on that they created one of the world's first calenders. It had 365 days just like ours.

In ancient Egypt the Nile river flooded each year in June. How did the annual flooding of the Nile affect the ancient Egyptians?

The flood waters left slit on the farmland, which provided nutrients for the soil

When was math first discovered?

The ancient Egyptians were the first peoples known to have used mathematics, to calculate calendars, tides, and surveying. Each year, the Nile river would flood the land and deposit nutrients washed down from the African mountains. The flood waters would wash away the field markers, and they needed ways to figure out what land belonged to whom. The Greeks expanded on the Egyptians' discoveries, and formalized much of what we think of as the language of math.

Who did Egyptians trade with?

Some egyptians traded with each other.

What did the spring rains and melting snow do for the ancient Egyptians?

The spring rains and melting snow provided the ancient Egyptians with much-needed water for irrigation and agriculture. The Nile River would flood during this time, depositing fertile soil onto the surrounding farmland, allowing for bountiful crops to be grown. This seasonal flooding was crucial for the prosperity of the civilization.

What are the differences between flood and drought?

They are opposites to each other. A drought is no water, but a flood is too much.