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Yes, they gave food and gifts as well as hymns and building temples and statues in the honor of the gods and goddesses they worshiped in ancient Egypt.

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Q: How did the egyptians worship their Gods did they give them food or gifts?
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What innovations did Egyptians apply to the gifts that the Nile River provided?

They provide food

How did the greek worship the gods?

by building temples and offering them food.

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Animals cannot worship the gods and are destined to be food for humans.

How did the greeks worship their gods?

They built temples to honor the Gods and there were altars inside the temples. The altars were used to sacrifice animals and the food from the sacrifices were used to please the gods. The sacrifices were done by the priests and they kept the temples cleaned to please the Gods.

What is one gift the egyptians thanked the nile for?

The nile river was plentiful and got many gifts to the egyptians. Some of these gifts were fish, hippos, and birds such as ibises. These could all be hunted down and used for food, which was essential. Another gift the nile brought was water, obviously. The water could be used for irrigation, and drinking. This helped farming and helped the egyptians survive

What Egyptians thought about earth?

The Ancient Egyptians believed in a Pantheion of Gods just like the Ancient Greeks or Romans. It is believed that all these belief systems are linked. They believed in Osiris, the first king of Egypt, ruling the rest of the Gods, including his evil brother, Seth, and many Gods with animal heads. They believed that people went to an underworld when they died, and had to keep themselves clean for it. They also held other beliefs, like that the body consisted of 40 channels, and the channels could get blocked by rotten food etc. and they would fall ill as a result. These are just some of the beliefs held by the ancient Egyptians.

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they worship him by killing animals and offering food to the gods but to contact Zeus you would put together a alter that has pictures of him or maybe praying to him. he would then maybe answer in dreams.

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he got his food from the egyptians but how did the egyptians grow the food?

What role did gods play in sumer?

Gods were believed to live in the top of Ziggurat Temples and sumerians gave gifts of food, gold and livestock in exchange for the gods protection over Sumer. When people believe in more than one god it is called Polythesism, the belief in many gods or goddess's