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Q: How did the end of reconstruction change life for the south?
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How did the southern economy change after Reconstruction?

The South had developed a more balanced economy after Reconstruction

What signals the end of reconstruction?

south troops were moved out

How did Hayes's election end reconstruction?

federal intervention ended in the south

When did radical congressional reconstruction of the south end?

1877When the last federal troops were removed from the south.

How did the end of the Civil War and Reconstruction impact the representation of the South in Congress?

Representation of the South increased because more Southern states were created during Reconstruction.

End of reconstruction?

President Hayes kept removes troops from the South. The order was given on May 1st, 1877. The decision to end Reconstruction and return the rule to Southerners, soon resulted in the disenfranchisement of the Blacks in the South.

How did the election of Hayes effectively end reconstruction?

federal intervention ended in the south

How did Hayes election effectively end reconstruction?

federal intervention ended in the south

How did election of Hayes effectively end reconstruction?

federal intervention ended in the south

By the end of reconstruction how many African farmers in the south owned land?

about half

What event signaled the end of Reconstruction in 1877?

The Compromise of 1877 was the event that ended Reconstruction. The compromise did more than just end Reconstruction, it also settled the 1876 Presidential election dispute and removed federal troops from the South.

When did the radical reconstruction end?

In 1877 when President Hayes removed the last troops in the South