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Ethnic conflicts caused the genocide in that the hutus scapegoated the minority of tutsis with all the issues of the Rwandan state.

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Q: How did the ethnic conflicts cause the Rwandan genocide?
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What can people learn from the Rwandan genocide?

The Rwandan genocide teaches us that meaningless conflicts can cause unimaginable tragedy. It is therefore better to focus our attention on loving others, not forcing them conform to our customs or beliefs.

What was the cause of the rwandan gencide?

Long-standing ethnic tensions

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The Rwandan Civil War took place between 1990 and 1993. Significantly, it was the major cause of the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. In both of those related conflicts, around 900,000 people died.

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The Berlin Conference called for the partition of Africa. Germany took possession of Rwanda and Burundi. After World War I, the area was taken over by Belgium. The Belgians proceeded to introduce the 'divide and rule' strategy in the colonies by giving education and advance for the Tutsi only, thus creating their prosperity while taking what that of the Hutus. The Belgians then proceeded to use the Tutsi to enforce their rule. Feelings that were created as a result of these actions led to the eventual Rwandan Genocide.

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What is the root cause of ethnic conflict in Rwanda?

The root cause of ethnic conflict is the different ethnicity's and nationalities clashing with each other.

What may bring genocide today still?

Many reasons can cause genocide. Truth is its still happening today, just look at Darfur..

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cause they should

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Genocide is not happinging today it happened along time ago.

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