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the europeans just wanted for some booty literally

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Q: How did the europeans establish and maintain their trading empires in Asia?
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Why did Spain set up trading ports in Asia?

They were looking to establish their own trade empires in the east.

How were the Phoenicians able to maintain their influence after being conquered by different empires?

Phoenicians continued trading even when they were not independent.

How did Islam spead?

By the empires and trading.

When did the Europeans arrived in Singapore?

The East India Company established a trading post on modern Singapore in 1819, but local empires were established in the areas as far back as the 2nd century CE.

How did west African empires imnpact europeans trade?

They were useful sources of gold & spices and a medium for trading. (i.e. They could utilize them as middlemen) Also, there were slaves they could obtain through these nations.

How did Europeans get slaves before Portugal establish trading post along the west African coast?

Through slave traders who brought slaves through the Sahara desert to the Mediterranean Sea.

How did Europeans get slaves before Portugal establish trading posts along the west African coast?

Through slave traders who brought slaves through the Sahara desert to the Mediterranean Sea.

The West African trade empires made their money mainly by trading salt and?

The West African trade empires made their money mainly by trading slaves, salt and gold.

What did the phoenicians value more than building empires?


What did geological location have to do with gold and salt trading empires?

It was exloited

Where were the first trading empires of Africa?

Egypt, Sudan & Zimbabwe

When did the Europeans stop trading with Asia?

it was in 1111.