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Q: How did the factory owners and supervisors insure that workers did what they were told?
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Who did the factory owners blame strikes on?

workers who were "Reds" or communists

When the trade union movement began in Britain the strike was an illegal action taken against whom?

Factory owners by union workers

Southern slave owners criticized factory owners in the North because?

Type your answer here... free factory workers were treated worse than slaves.

What is another way of referring to workers and factory owners?

labor and capital

Why were factory owners opposed to unions?

During the strikes many Union workers were paid higher wages while the Factory owners got nothing in return

Which describes the primary goal of the first labor unions?

speaking for workers in negotiating with factory owners

How did the factory owners benefit from industrialization?

Factory owners were in fact "industrialization". Because the industrial base of the North was a significant one, it allowed factory owners to buy equipment from other factories to replace worn parts and add to their factory's output.

What Changes did Industrialization bring to lower middle class of factory overseers and skilled workers?

Middle Class grew during the Industrial Revolution, skilled workers, professionals, business people, wealthy farmers, factory owners, shippers, merchants, factory owners, merchants and bankers grew wealthier than the landowners, and the aristocrats.

Is it true that slave owners claimed their slaves were better off than immigrant factory workers.?


How did factory owners benefit from industrialization?

Many jobs could be done by unskilled workers for lower wages.

What encouraged factory owners and managers to hold workers to specific standards for production time?

the scientific management theory

What was the attitude of many factory owners toward their workers?

The factory owners didn't care about workers, they only cared about the work and money. Also one owner said,"I regard my work Place just as I regard my machinery. So long as they can do my work for what I choose to pay them, I keep them, getting out of them all i can."