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it promulgated two doctrinal constitutions: Dei filius, which deals with faith, reason, and their interrelations; and Pastor aeternus, which treats the authority of the pope.

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Q: How did the first Vatican council change the church?
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What is one doctrine that came from Vatican Council II?

There were exactly no doctrines defined at the Second Vatican Council. The Second Vatican Council was the first purely pastoral council ever held in the Church.

What is the most explicit change in the Church brought by the Vatican II?

Catholic AnswerThe Second Vatican Council was not a doctrinal Council, and thus made NO changes in the Church's doctrine. Vatican Council II, for the first time in history, was an entirely pastoral council. Of the twenty-one ecumenical councils of the Church, Vatican Council II was the only one to not deal with any doctrinal issues. The task assigned to the Council by Pope John XXIII was Aggiornamento, in Italian this means a bringing up to date. The Pope asked the Council to try to speak to the people of modern times, to put things in terms that they could understand, to make things more relevant to them. .Thus the most explicit change in the Church was one where the Church was called to be more outgoing, to train its faithful in the Christian life to realize that, as Christians, they are of necessity, evangelists.

What county was Vatican I held in?

Vatican Council I was the first Ecumenical Council to be held at the Vatican in Vatican City which is an independent country.

Why was the First Vatican Council held?

The purpose of the council was, besides the condemnation of contemporary errors, to define the Catholic doctrine concerning the Church of Christ.

Who called the bishops to the First Vatican Council?

Pope Pius V called for the First Vatican Council.

Where was the First Vatican Council held?

The First Vatican Council was held in Rome, Italy in the Basilica of St. John Lateran.

Why did the Pope Pius II convene the First Vatican Council?

First of all, it was Pope Pius IX, not Pius II who convened and then presided over Vatican I or the First Vatican Council. Pius IX, called it for the review of the topics that was being dealt in the Church which was: rationalism, liberalism, materialism, inspiration of Scripture, and papal infallibility.

When was Vatican Council I held?

The First Vatican Council was convoked by Pope Pius IX on 29 June 1868 and was formally closed in 1960 prior to Vatican II

What was the role of the Council?

The role of the First Vatican Council was an ecumenical Council that defined Papal infallibility and several other doctrinal issues. The role of the Second Vatican Council was purely pastoral.

What is a Vatican and when was the first Vatican Council?

The Vatican is a hill in Rome on which a group of buildings were built around the palace of the Pope. The first to build a residence near the ancient Basilica of St. Peter was Pope Symmachus (498-514). Through subsequent purchases the popes acquired possession of the entire Vatican Hill.The First Vatican Council was held by Pope Pius IX (Pio Nono): FIRST VATICAN COUNCIL (1869-1870).

What Book in the New Testament tells of the establishment of the first Christian Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Book of Acts tells about the establishment of the Church. It tells about the early Christian community, the first sermons, the earliest missions, the first martyrdom, the Church in Jerusalem. The foundation of the Church in Antioch is described in chapter 11; the first ecumenical Council (of which Vatican Council II was the latest) is described in chapter 13, etc.

Was the Council of Jerusalem the first great council of the catholic church?

It depends on whether you count the Council of Jerusalem or not. The Council of Jerusalem, in the book of Acts, was the first great Council of the Church, the next 21 are listed at the link below, starting with the Council of Nicea.