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that really is unknown, but i think because it stated the civil war

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Q: How did the first gunfire of the revolutionary war change the world?
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What did Ralph waldo call the first revolutionary war?

Ralph Waldo Emerson was known for calling the first Revolutionary War as the 'Shot heard round the world.' This is because of it's importance here in the United States and the world. The effects this has on world history and not just American history were huge.

Where did the Revolutionary War beginns?

the revolutionary war started in lexingburg when the "shot heard around the world " was fired. it is nont known who shot this but it was the first shot of the war.

How were the Jewish people killed during World War 2?

Gunfire, poison gas, and starvation.

Was the Revolutionary War was after the World War 2?

the revolutionary was before world war 2

Did the shot heard round the world start the civil war or the Revolutionary War?

Historically, no one single shot can be identified as the first shot of the war.

What were the first battles of the revolutionary war?

The first two battles of the Revolutionary War were in Lexington and Concord. At both of these battles, there was a \'shot heart round the world\' fired by an unknown person on one side or the other that upscaled conflict in the war.

The unofficial start of the revolutionary war began with the shot heard round the world. Which two American cities hosted the first battles of the revolutionary war?

From the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River

What happen during the revolutionary?

during the revolutionary war, there were several battles such as lexington and concord and the battle of bunker hill and the battle of trenton. the battle of lexington and concord was the first battle and the first shot was so called heard around the world

Where was the first shot heard round the world?

It refers to the first shot that began the battle between Americans and the British in the Revolutionary War at Concord Mass.

The first battle in the Revolutionary War?

the first shots fired in the revolutionary war was at the Boston massacare. where british troops opened fire on a group of colonist protesting british rule. it is known as the shot heard around the world. occurred in1770. first battles were lexington and concord.

Why do you think the first shot at Lexington was called the shot heard round the world?

because it was the first shot in the war