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The first species that could be considered human-like lived in jungles, like any other ape. They eventually moved out of jungles, and began living in caves and outcroppings. The first man-made structures were likely small huts made of sticks and leaves. Later, humans, and their ancestors and relatives, began building structures of clay and stone, which became more and more complex. By the time humans had begun to form more complex social structures than tribes, eventually becoming nations, their structures ranged in complexity from huts to fortresses.

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Q: How did the first nations made their houses?
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What were first nations houses like?

First Nations houses varied depending on the specific Indigenous group and their environment. They could range from igloos made of ice and snow in the Arctic regions to longhouses made of cedar planks in the Pacific Northwest. These traditional structures were typically designed to be well-suited to their local climate and available resources.

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The First nations lived in log houses and tee-pee's

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First of all, it is Yup'ik Eskimo not Yup'ik Indian. They first made their houses out of sod, wooden beams, and stones. Today they make their houses like the rest of Americans.

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They made trades, made army alliances, and taught the first nations French

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They made houses on top of mountins

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The first houses built in Mesopotamia were constructed by the Sumerians.

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Sharks don't eat houses. First, there's not many houses in the ocean, where you find sharks. Second, Sharks can't digest the stuff that houses are made of.

What are some street names that the First nations people made?

there are lots of street names from the First Nations like Blackfoot trail and many more.

What are first nations toboggans made of?

bound parallel wood slats