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They made it very difficult to change the Constitution

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Q: How did the framers try to make sure only good amendments were made to the Constitution?
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How did framers try to make sure only good amendments were made to the constitution?

They made it very difficult to change the Constitution

How did the framers try make sure only good amendments were made to the constitution?

They made it very difficult to change the Constitution

Which statement best explains why the framers of the Constitution defined the process of amending the document so specifically?

They wanted amendments to be made thoughtfully and with consensus. (APEX)

What changes made to the constitution are known as what?


Can the constitution be overthrown?

No, but amendments can be made to it.

What were the people who made the constitution?

The framers of the Constitution were part of the Second Continental Congress.

What do call a change to the constitution?

With regards to the US Constitution, changes made are called amendments. As one important example, in 1865, the 13th amendment was made to the US Constitution to abolish slavery. The Framers of the US Constitution believed of course that Constitution would require changes as time passed, however, they were cautious about changes and the amendment process is difficult.

How many amendments have been made to the constitution since it's ratification?

27 amendments

How laws are made in the constitution?

A constitution tells how governments are made

What are changes made to the constitution called?


Who made the habeas corpus?

The Framers of the Constitution of the United States.

How many amendemens does the Constitution have?

the constitution has 27 amendments since our founding fathers made the constitution