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They gained a powerful ally in the roman catholic church.

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Q: How did franks create kingdom in western Europe?
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Who established a powerful kingdom in Europe in the 6th century?

The Franks

Which Germanic tribe was able to survive and thrive in Western Europe?

The Franks.

What is true about Europe after the fall of rome?

Only the franks established a last kingdom (apex)

Who controlled religious group Spain while the franks ruled much of Western Europe?

The Moors.

What was the most important Germanic tribes in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire?

The franks became the most important trime in Germany

Leader of the Franks who conquered Europe?

Between the coronation of Clovis in 496 and the eighth century, the Franks expanded their territory through much of Western Europe. Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800.

What famous battle halted the spread of Islam into western Europe?

In 732, the Franks halt to further Muslim advance into Europe

What was the situation in western europe when charlemagne took power?

Western Europe had been falling into decay. People had forgotten the knowledge of the Greeks and Romans. The Franks had become barbarians and neglected education and Christianity.

How did the collapse of roman authority affect Europe?

In Western Europe the Germanic invaders fought each other over lands. Eventually, the Kingdom of the Visigoths in Spain and the Kingdom of the Vandals in Africa were formed. The Franks took over the whole of France (at the expense of two other Germanic kingdoms) and central and southern Germany. Later, the Franks formed the Carolingian empire which covered continental Western Europe except for Scandinavia, Portugal and most of Spain. Because. following Germanic tradition, the empire was partitioned between the sons of the emperors, there were continuous power struggles between these brothers. This continuous fighting led feudalism.

When the Western Roman Empire declined what took its place in carrying out many governmental duties and in unifying Europe?

When the western part of the Roman Empire declined it continued to be ruled by the emperors and the imperial bureaucracy. After it fell, it was replaced by kingdoms set up by the Germanic peoples who invaded it: The kingdom of the Vandals in north-western Africa, the kingdom of the Visigoths in Spain and south-western France, the kingdom of Burgundy in eastern France and the kingdom of the Franks in Holland south of the river Rhine and northern and central France. The Alemanni took over Switzerland and north-eastern France. The Franks then took over the whole of France and the territories of the Alemanni. The Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians took over Britannia

What was one major result of the fall of the roman empire?

The areas of the western part of the Roman Empire was divided into kingdoms by its invaders: the Kingdom of the Vandals in Tunisia and western Algeria, the Kingdom of the Visigoths in Spain and Portugal, The Kingdom of the Burgundians in eastern France and the kingdom of the Franks in the rest of France.

Who was the strongest at the beginning of the early middle ages the Byzantine Empire or the kingdom of the Franks?

kingdom of the Franks