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Q: How did the government build public support for the war effort?
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to build public support and keep up morale for the war effort

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with an advertising and education campaign

When did the US establish the Office of War Information?

to build public support and keep up morale for the war effort

How did George Creel and the Committee on Public Information (CPI) build support for the U.S. war effort?

with an advertising and education campaign

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The Manhattan Project.

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It was called The Manhattan Project.

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A taking by Eminent Domain.

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They believed that if the government got involved, the economy would get better.

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To build 'grass roots' support from the people of South Vietnam to overthrow their government to allow the North to unify the country. Also to wear down the United States public opinion so there would be no popular support for the war effort.

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Leaders tried to build support for their views by organizing political parties.