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Q: How did the inquisition punish suspected protestants living in catholic countries?
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What was it called when the Catholic Church killed Protestants?

The Inquisition

Did the Spanish Inquisition torture and kill Protestants who refused to convert?

Catholic AnswerNo, the Spanish Inquisition has no authority over anyone other than baptised Christians who were members of the Catholic Church.

Whom did the Spanish Inquisition invade?

The Spanish Inquisition was not an external conquest : it was the suppression of non-Christians within Spain. At the time, the Catholic Church had considerable official power among countries, especially Catholic ones like Spain.

When did the Catholic Inquisition take place?

The Catholic Inquisition took place around 1550. Hope this helped!

Where was the Catholic inquisition?


What was established to reinforce Catholic doctrine in Spain?

That would be the SPANISH INQUISITION, which was instituted to ferret out and torture Catholics who were not "true believers", usually former Jews, former Muslims, and closet Protestants.

Who was the church court that tried heretics?

A church court which investigated, tried and convicted heretics was the Inquisition.Roman Catholic AnswerThe Inquisition.

Who started inquisition?

The Inquisition was started by the Spanish government with the support of the Catholic Church.

What stopped the Protestantism in Europe?

Vicious purges and attacks on Protestants by the Catholic Church caused many protestants to flee to Britain and the Americas. However there are still plenty of Protestants left in Europe and several Protestant countries.

Were the spanish monarchs protestant?

No. The Spanish monarchy has always been Catholic. Protestants in Spain were immediately targeted by the (already-existing) Spanish Inquisition and tortured. This prevented Protestantism from ever gaining a foothold in Iberia.

Who converts more Catholics to Protestants or Protestants to Catholics?

protestants to catholics

Was the Inquisition communism?

No. The Inquisition was a Catholic institution that sniffed out heretics and 'insincere' converts from Judaism and Islam.