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Q: How did the interstate act help regulate big business?
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Both the interstate commerce act and the sherman antitrust act were?

Passed by the federal government to regulate big business (this is for castle learning i bet)

The first law to regulate big business wich was concerned with regulating railroad shipping rates?

Interstate Commerce Act

What was the goal the Interstate Commerce Act?

To regulate commerce and business in the United States and establish a center authority of all commerce in all states of the US

The interstate commerce act was originally intended to regulate what industry?

Its the railroad industry

Which act authorized the ICC to set railroad rates and to regulate other companies engaged in interstate commerce such as pipelines and ferries?

Interstate commerce act of 1887.

What was the purpose of the pure food drug act?

to regulate safety, labeling, and interstate shipment of food and medicine

What did the first substantial effort by congress to regulate the affairs of business result in?

The first substantial effort by Congress to regulate the affairs of business resulted in the passing of the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890. This act aimed to prevent the formation of monopolies and restrain trade practices that were deemed anti-competitive. It marked the government's attempt to promote fair competition and prevent the concentration of economic power.

What government act was put in place to regulate railroad activity between states?

The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 is a federal law regulating the railroad industry. It was meant to eliminate the monopoly that railroad companies had on transportation of people and goods.

What was the Interstate Commerce Act and why was it important?

It was the first Federal law that regulated Big Business

What was created in the US government's first attempt to exercise increased control and oversight over American businesses and industries in the late 1800s?

One of the ways in which the federal government tried to regulate business in the late 1800's was by the Interstate Commerce Act. The Interstate Commerce act stopped the railroads from price gouging. The second way is the by the Sherman Act. The Sherman Act prevented price fixing and monopolies.

The Mann-Elkins Act was passed to regulate?

Railroads and communications. It strengthened the (very weak and ineffective) Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 and the Elkins Act of 1903 and the Hepburn Act of 1906 which also regulated railroads.

Why was the interstate commerce act passed?

To make the railroad rates "reasonable and just".