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Industrialisation. People could now work un natural hours..around the clock and before and after daylight.

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Q: How did the invention of the light bulb help the growth of the US?
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How id Albert Einstein's invention of the light bulb help the human race?

Einstein had nothing to do with the invention of the light bulb. Thomas Edison is credited with developing the first successful light bulb.

How did the invention of the electric light bulb help businesses become more productive?

With good lights, it was possible to work after nightfall.

How did the invention of the light bulb help transportation?

it helped the citizens of the world see while they where driving at night or during a storm or foggy day.

How did the light bulb help?

The invention of the light bulb made it possible to work longer hours. It increased safety in the workplace. The light bulb replaced oil lamps in homes. The oil lamps were fire-hazards. People found that they could enjoy leisure activities such as reading at night time.

How does light help us?

we can see in the dark with the light bulb

How was the carbon filament a help to people?

It made the light bulb have light.

How can electric light bulb help us?

it can help us because if we dont have light bulb everything would be dark, like in our house just when its morning

How did the light bulb help the world?

we wouldn't be able to see in the dark today if it wasnt for him creating the light bulb

How does cotton help make a light bulb?

Cotton is not used in light bulbs.

What is difference between ac and DC bulb?

we can check the dc with the help of tester give the reasonAnswerThere is no such thing as an 'AC light bulb' and a 'DC light bulb'. A light bulb doesn't care whether it is subjected to AC or to DC.

How does the light bulb help?

If you are asking for operation for old light bulbs. Then there is a tungsten filament is provided in the bulb which get heated on supplying power and emmits light and heat.

Did Thomas Edison's wife help him making the light bulb?
