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an optical device for producing and observing a spectrum of light or radiation from any source, consisting essentially of a slit through which the radiation passes, a collimating lens, and an Amici prism.

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Q: How did the invention of the spectroscope in 1859 change the science of chemistry?
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The science of what matter is made of and how it changes is called chemistry.

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If by "mature" is meant completely grown or a science having reached its apex, then neither chemistry nor physics have stopped growing. They both are important sciences. Chemistry is the only science which can actually *change* one molecule into another. Physics, these days, deals mostly with sub-atomic particles. We need both chemistry and physics. Chemistry has contributed the most to civilization, but physics has made some significant advances also.

What did chemistry change?

Chemistry can change the nature of molecules.

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it is actually chemistry because i have read in a book[ called go for science and technology which is the science text book for class v five in the school chettinad vidyashram] that rocks are made of chemicals.

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What categories is science divided into?

It is organized into three branches of science. Life Science: The study of the living. Earth Science: The study of the Earth. Physical Science: The study of matter, energy, and the way things change.

What are the branches of science that deals with chemicals?

Chemistry is the branch that studies the chemical change by which matter is converted from one from to another and the energy that is either released or absorbed during the process.

Is undertaken to solve a specific problem?

"Applied research is undertaken to solve a specific problem." Glencoe Science CHEMISTRY Matter and Change txt book page 17