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The Titanic believed to cut through freezing labrador current. The current has caused an optical illusion that make the stars looks brighter, but the iceberg didn't.

It made the sailors alarm, were way too late for the giant ship to stop.

The current which extremely -1 degree Celsius has also responsible for making the ship lower plate's bolts which didn't have the same strength as the upper, to frozen and when the ships hit the iceberg, the bolts are crushed causing the plates just loosed away making the 2.5 hours is believed, to be too long for the Titanic to sink.

The Titanic made with multiple sealed dock to prevent it to sink if 4 docks are drawn, but it never been tested if all for docks are in row, and the crush has drawn 5 docks in the row that makes the ships sinks nose first, then crack in half.

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Q: How did the labrador current help sink the Titanic?
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Titanic/HOW/sink/is it hit a iceberg