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The plague was spread by rats, which the cats would have killed.

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Q: How did the lack of cats make the plague worse?
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How did the lack of cats make the Black Death worse?

The Black Death was spread by rats and the fleas they carried. There is a story that the religious fervor of the times, and especially a desire to suppress witchcraft, prompted medieval people to kill off cats, which allowed the rat population to increase out of control, making the plague worse than it otherwise would have been. Though it makes a good story, there is no historic evidence of it I have seen, and the history of witch hunts makes it seem unlikely, because the first witch hunts were more than a hundred years after the Black Death.

What are ten facts about the plague?

The bubonic plague was the most common type of plague. Known as the most deadly epidemic ever known. Many doctors believed that bad smells would make the plague go away. Jews had a smaller chance of getting the plague because they owned cats who ate the rats. Fleas landed on and infected rats, which consequently started the plague. Some doctors believed that wine could cure the plague. The plague led into the Renaissance. It wiped out 1/3 of Europe. It took 150 years for Europe to recover. The plague caused the economy to fall.

Do moth balls keep stray cats away?

Moth balls are POISONOUS to cats! Bad idea!

Why the cat are valuable in the environment?

i dont know it doesnt make sense One example of how cats help the environment is that they keep the rat population down. How does this help the environment? Because an overpopulation of rats will lead to diseases in humans like the bubonic plague. In fact, England for example, had a bubonic plague and people were dying. The cats killed off a good amount of rats, which saved the people from this plague. In more recent years in the U.S., police and fire stations were having problems with rats spreading diseases around the cities. They tried rat poison, which helped some but not much. But then when they brought cats into the station, the diseases were eliminated. So cats protect humans from different plagues in this manner.

What is or are the actual causes of the plague?

infested fleas in rats make it to humans after the host rat dies and infect them with the plague.

Can you make a sentence using to make matters worse?

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What can you put in a stray cats infected eye?

This entirely depends upon what the infection is. Best to talk to a vet before attempting any home remedies or you might make the infection worse.

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What was the impact of the black death on Europe in the midle of the 14th century?

So many deaths caused by the Black Death, Bubonic Plague, lead to a lack of labor and an increase of rebellion, both sexually and literally. People were likely to rebel for higher wages. After the plague finally died out Europe was set up to make great technological advances.

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They are called cats, cats make cats.

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