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Life changed in multiple ways! BUT you need to figure that out on your own. That's why it's called homework and you do it by yourself LOL! You won't learn anything otherwise and therefore you won't succeed in life which is a total FAIL

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Q: How did the life change during the Industrial revolution?
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How did the industrial revolution change life in cities?

The Industrial Revolution changed life in cities by raising populations. The Industrial Revolution also raised the standard of living for most city dwellers due to growth in the job markets.

How did life change during the industrial revolution?

Life was centered around work in the factories- It took up most of your week. It was cosidered a goal in life to have a good position in a factory.

What became popular during the Industrial Revolution?

Melodrama became Popular during the industrial revolution because life was so hard in this period so people went to see it to get away from their lives.

How did the industrial revolution change the lives ofworking people?

Machines took over many jobs.

How did railroads change life for the young people from farms or small towns?

(They had new opportunities) Advancements in medicine during the Industrial Revolution meant more lives were saved.

What was the industrial revolution part in change in pattern of human settlements?

It drawed people from agricultural life to the cities

English novelist author of Hard Times in which he described life during the Industrial Revolution?

Charles Dickens

In what basic way life changed during the Industrial Revolution?

people migrate from dual areas to cities.

What caused the trend towards city life in the 1800s?

The trend toward city life, or urbanization, was caused by industrialization. Many families left their farms to work in factories in the cities.

What novelist attacked the evils of child labor during the Industrial Revolution?

There were many novelists during the Industrial Revolution, but I believe Charles Dickens is probably the best known. His portrayle of everyday life and the effects on children is still heralded to this day.

Why was the industrial age an important part of American history?

The life we live today began with the industrial revolution and on that foundation we continue to build and change the world with our computer systems and information revolution. Things don't happen in a vacuum and without the inventions of the industrial revolution we wouldn't have our world.