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Q: How did the macassans prevent smallpox?
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When was macassans born?

the Macassans was born 1942

What was the Macassans' nationality?

The Macassans were from Macassar, from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

How do you prevent smallpox?

In most cases........... with the vaccine!

Who pioneered the concept of vaccinations with his research of prevent smallpox?


What was the smallpox vaccine called?

The smallpox vaccine is an injection to prevent one from contracting smallpox. It has been used to help the body to develop immunity against the disease.

How do you prevent getting smallpox?

You cut the blisters of other small pox victims and grind it to a fine powder and snort them. This will prevent you from being infected with only a small chance of you getting it. Btw Smallpox is extremely hard to get now adays

Can you prevent getting smallpox?

Well, I think there is a vaccine for smallpox. I'm not sure, so look it up somewhere else! you use cowpox has a counter balence effect

What kind of medicine is used for smallpox?

There is no effective medicine. A vaccine is used to prevent it. Jenner made the first ever vaccine for smallpox!

What did minnesota people do in the early 1900s to prevent smallpox?

You a slimy evil person and needs to die hahhahahahahahaha

What is homeotherapy?

Homeotherapy is using a similar disease to prevent a disease like cowpox was used to cure smallpox.

What did the macassans trade?

They traded trepang (sea cucumber), rice and tobacco.