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Well the goddess Pasiphaê, Queen of Crete and daughter of Helios and Perseis had sex with the Cretan Bull/Bull of Marathon and bore him a son named Minotaur. This was quite embarrassing to her husband Minos, King of Crete; her sons by Minos were Katreus, Deukalion, Glaukos, and Androgeus: and her daughters Akalle, Xenodike, Ariadne, Phaidra.

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11y ago
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13y ago

Well the Minotaur is actually half man and half horse or its half goat and half man

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What type of monster is the minotaur?

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Is a Minotaur a mammal?

A minotaur is a mythological beast which is half man and half bull, so from that standpoint, seeing as how both a man and a bull are mammals, I would say yes, a minotaur is a mammal, if it really existed.

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The Minotaur, a half bull, half man beast.

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It was to imprison his wife Pasiphae's son, the half-man, half-bull monster, the Minotaur.

What is Minotaur famous for?

The minotaur was a fearful man-eating beast who was half-man and half-bull. He was born to Pasiphae, the wife of King Minos of Crete.

Did the Minotaur have a wife?

No; it was half man half bull. It did not have a wife before it was killed by the hero Theseus.

Was Menelaus half man and half bull?

no he was the brother of agamemnon husband of are thinkin of the minotaur...

What monster did thesues slay in the labyrinth?

Theseus slayed the minotaur, who was half man, half bull.

What does Percy do?

Nothing he just kept it as a memory on how he killed the minotaur (half man/ half bull beast)

How do you spell minatour?

The proper noun is spelled Minotaur, a legendary half-man, half-bull of Crete.