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Janus was the God of beginnings and endings, openings and closings - hence the word janitor, which actually means a doorkeeper, not a cleaner. Janus was always portrayed as having two faces, one looking forward, one backward. January is his month because it is the time when the Sun starts to return and the days grow longer; it was not the New Year in Roman times; the year began in March, which incidentally why September (seventh month) , October, November and December have the names they do.

January is named after Janus; Roman God of gates and doorways.

The first hour of the first day of the first month of the year was sacred to him.
Julius Caesar was the first to invent the months names, like July is named after h imself and August is named after his "adopted son' Augustus Caesar. It most likely is named after another one of Caesars acquaintances. Hope this helps a little.

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Q: How did the month of January get its name?
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Where did the name of the month January come from?

Janus, the two-faced Roman god of beginnings and doors.

Was January named after Janus?

January is named after the Latin name for a door 'ianua' since January is the 'door to the year'. The month is often thought of as being named after Janus, who is the God of Beginnings and Transitions. According to ancient Roman farmers, Juno was the deity of the month

How did January get its name?

The month January is the first month of the year. The name comes from the name of a Greek god, Janus (Ianuarius), the god of the doorway, and the Latin word for door is ianua.So, as January is the doorway to the year, it is a very good name for the first month of the year. Etymology of the word 'January'About 1290 the English spelling was Ieneuer, which is from from the old Normandy French dialect word Genever. The actual French word was Janvier, and this spelling can be found in Anglo-French writing from about the year 1120 onwards.The French word came from the Latin 'Januarius mensis', meaning 'the month of Janus', the name the Romans had given to the first month of the year. (They first started doing this in about the year 450 BC)For more information, see 'Related links' below

Which month is named after Janus?

Janus is named after the first month, January.

What was November named after?

November originates in the Latin novem meaning "nine". The month retained its name when January and February were added to the Roman calendar, and is now the 11th month in the Gregorian calendar..