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Native Americans were enslaved by the missionaries. They were forced to convert to Christianity by the missionaries and to leave their cultural ways to live and work at the missions. Thousands of Native Americans are buried in mass graves at California missions. They were killed by the missionaries. Your question should be asking how did the missionaries impact the Native Americans.

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Q: How did the native Americans impact the spanish mission system?
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Why did native Americans to live in a mission?

the spanish attaced the natives americans

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the spanish attaced the natives americans

How did the Native American impact the spanish mission system?

Native Americans were enslaved by the missionaries. They were forced to convert to Christianity by the missionaries and to leave their cultural ways to live and work at the missions. Thousands of Native Americans are buried in mass graves at California missions. They were killed by the missionaries. Your question should be asking how did the missionaries impact the Native Americans.

What was life like at the mission?

it was hard for the native americans beacause the spanish soldiers were unkind to them.

Was there any trouble with native americans in the mission santa clara de asis?

Yes, there were conflicts between the Native Americans and the Spanish missionaries at Mission Santa Clara de Asis. The forced conversion to Christianity, harsh labor conditions, and diseases brought by the Spanish led to tensions and resistance among the native population. There were also instances of revolts and uprisings by the Native Americans against the mission system.

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Native Americans and people who worked at the mission lived there.Priests and spanish worked at the mission.

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Native Americans and people who worked at the mission lived there.Priests and spanish worked at the mission.

What lasting impact did the Spanish's mission have on Texas?

Diseases brought by Spanish Missionaries killed many of the native texans.

Who was involved in the building process of Santa Clara mission?

I think the Spanish people and the Native Americans,

What was daily life like at the mission?

it was hard for the native americans beacause the spanish soldiers were unkind to them.

What was the purpose of the Spanish mission in new Spain?

The purpose of the Spanish missions in New Spain was to make the Native Americans into Christians.

How did priests of mission san gabriel get native Americans to live and work at the san gabriel mission?

Priests at Mission San Gabriel used a system called the Spanish mission system to convert and control Native Americans. They offered food, shelter, and protection in exchange for labor and conversion to Christianity. While some Native Americans were coerced into joining the mission, others volunteered to escape violence or seek better opportunities.