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Q: How did the new types of sailing chips affect overseas exploration?
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How have silicon chips contributed to space exploration?

Erab Yimokh

What famous president brought potato chips overseas?

i believed it was thomas Jefferson brought it to England since he was the ambassador over there.

Does the amount of chocolate chips in a cookie affect how fast they bake?

it doesn't affect the cookie but it will taste better

How tristate devices operate?

Computer chips are said to be tri-state when the bit of the output can be "ON", "OFF" or "don't care". Tri-state chips can connected in parallel making it possible for two or more chips to control the same output line. When that occurs, the chips that are disabled do not affect the line.

How does the number of chocolate chips affect how fast a cookie bakes?

It will take longer to bake them if there is a lot of cookies

What does a silicon chip do for communication?

Over the years technology has become more and more improved. With the help of silicon chips, musical performances have been better, as have space exploration and communication. Silicon chips are in the mobile phones , home phones and also wireless phones that help them communicate faster.

How does the concentration of salt water affect the crispness of potato chips?

it affects it becauze the movemnt of cells into the out of the cells and the molecules come together and make a certain mixture to make the potatoe chips crisp and crunchy

How does dropping of a magnet affect the strength of it?

it chips and than makes a crack to make a hole in the + side so it can't run to the - side

Are chips a pastry?

no, chips are chips

What part of a humans actions affect the ecosytem?

There are many things people do to affect the ecosystem. For example, smoking cigars and dropping affects animals that come by to nibble on it. Throwing soda cans, bag of chips, and other bottles into the water can affect the animals that swim by it.

What do you call chips that aren't your chips?

Some body else's chips i say nacho chips.

How do you say chips in Irish?

sceallóga = chips is the Irish for chips