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Q: How did the northern us change during this time?
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Is the US tilted more toward the sun during the winter?

No. The Northern Hemisphere (which the United States is in) axial tilt is the farthest from our Sun, when it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere. During that same time, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, and it is summer time in the Southern Hemisphere.

How do rabbits adapt to cold weather in northern us?

They change color.

What was the northern capitol of the US during the civil war?

Washington DC

Why is there a time difference between northern US and the Southern part?

There are no North/ South time differences. Time values, as used, depend on time zones which change approximately as you move East or West. As these zones are politically defined you may sometimes change time when moving North or South.

Who was the general of the north army?

Grant commanded the Northern army during the US Civil War. Giap commanded the Northern army during the Vietnam War.

Is it winter in Africa while it's winter in the US?

The Northern Hemisphere has winter during November-January, whilst the Southern Hemisphere has winter during the Northern Hemipshere's summer. Some parts of Africa are in the Northern Hemisphere whilst other parts are South of the Equator. So some parts of Africa will have winter at the same time as the US whilst the Southern Part (Kenya, South Africa etc.) will have their summer when its the US's winter!

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Is this time southern US still hates northern US?

Absolutely not...well maybe

Was Missouri a Northern or Southern State during the US Civil War?

Southern state.

What was the name of the northern states during the US Civil War?

The were called the Union or the Federalists.

How can it be that earth is at perihelion during wintertime in the northern hemisphere?

It is - but the northern hemisphere is also tilted awayfrom the sun at that point, giving us wintertime.

Who resigned from US Army to lead the Army of Northern Virginia during the US Civil War?

Robert E. Lee