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he puts his hands on jonas's back

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1mo ago

In Lois Lowry's novel "The Giver," the old Receiver used his ability to transmit his memories to Jonas through touch. By placing his hands on Jonas's back, he could transfer the memory of snow to him so he could experience it for himself. This method allowed Jonas to access a whole range of emotions and sensations that had been suppressed in their community.

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Q: How did the old receiver transmit the memory of snow to Jonas?
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How did the old receiver of memory transmit the-memory of snow to Jonas?

he puts his hands on jonas's back

From the book the Giver. How did the old receiver transmit the memory of snow to Jonas?

by touching Jonas on the back

How does the receiver transmit memories to Jonas?

The Receiver transmits memories to Jonas by placing his hands on Jonas's bare back and transferring the memories through touch. This allows Jonas to experience the memories as if they were his own.

What happened to the snow in Jonas memory?

In Jonas's memory, the snow disappeared after he passed through the Giver's threshold. This represents how the memories were removed from the collective consciousness of society and kept only by the Giver and the Receiver.

What was the first memory the receiver said he would give Jonas?

The first memory the Receiver gives to Jonas is a sled ride down a snowy hill, experiencing joy, freedom, and exhilaration.

From the book the giver what was the first memory transmitted to Jonas?

the memory of snow.

Who does The Giver first transmit a memory to in The Giver by Lois Lowry?

The Giver first transmits a memory to Jonas, the protagonist of the story. This initial transmission is of a sledding memory, which opens Jonas's eyes to the possibilities of a world where emotions and experiences are not hidden or suppressed.

How does Jonas describe the memory of snow?

chap.11 With no words, just by touching Jonas's back lightly, the old man transmits the memory. Jonas actually feels the cold; then he can see snow, a sled, a hill and feel himself sledding downhill (foreshadowing here-remember that sled). When Jonas opens his eyes, the Receiver explains that the memory he has just given Jonas is a very distant memory, from before Climate Control, before the community went to Sameness. The Receiver then transmits memories of sunshine and sun- burn. Before Jonas leaves, the old man, who seems ter- ribly weary and sad, tells Jonas to call him The Giver.

What is Jonas's assignment in the book the Giver?

The Receiver of memory; Jonas will take lessons with the "Giver", training him to become the future "Giver". What the receiver does is take memories of things like color, animals, snow and other things nonexistent in Jonas's world. He will become the most knowledgeable man in all of his world. He will be called for when the people are in a time of panic or when they do not no what to do.

What happens in chapter 8 of The Giver?

In Chapter 8 of "The Giver," Jonas receives his first memory from the Giver. He experiences sledding down a hill in the snow and feels joy, excitement, and physical sensations for the first time. This memory opens Jonas's eyes to the importance of the past and the value of individual experiences.

In the giver how did the old receiver feel after transmitting a memory to Jonas?

The old Receiver felt a sense of relief and lightness after transmitting a memory to Jonas. It was a cathartic experience for him, as memories carry a heavy burden and sharing them with Jonas allowed for some emotional release.

What page does Jonas receive his first memory?

The memory of sledding.