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Since the civil war voting for African Americans had been repressed by the southern states. They had literacy tests, poll taxes, and questions on the constitution. The civil rights voting act made these things illegal and put the discriminatory Jim Crow laws on notice that the federal government would take action. In recent years some of the voting rights act has been tested and watered down and in a reversal states have been passing laws restricting voting in certain areas or districts to discriminate against people living in these areas. Instead of moving forward for civil rights it seems that there is a movement to go back 40 years.

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Q: How did the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 impact political participation?
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An important political change of the 1820s was that?

mass participation through wider voting rights for white males.

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Voting is the most powerful act of political participation

Who delivered a speech to Congress in 1965 to demand passage of the Voting Rights Act?

President Johnson delivered a speech to Congress in 1965 to demand passage of the Voting Rights Act.

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The effects that the Voting Rights Acts had on African Americans' participation in government was on who they could vote in and out of office who shared what they believed were good ideas and beliefs.

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Voting in elections is the most common form of political participation in democratic societies. This allows citizens to have a say in selecting their representatives and influencing government policies and decisions.

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passage of the Voting Rights Act

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Answer A. Listening to the news is not a form of political participation.

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What group gained voting rights in the 1820's and 1830s?

The group that gained voting rights in the 1820's and 1830s were white male property owners. Prior to this period, voting rights were often limited to property-owning men of certain social and economic standing. The expansion of suffrage during this time was a result of democratic reforms aimed at increasing political participation.

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Jacksonian democracy actually excluded these groups from voting rights. Andrew Jackson's presidency promoted the expansion of suffrage to white males regardless of property ownership, but did not extend voting rights to blacks, Native Americans, or women. This period was characterized by increased political participation and the rise of the common man in American politics.

How can an individual protect her rights and participate in the political process?

By being well informed and voting.

How did the passage of the 15th 19th and 26th Amendments of the Constitution change individual voting rights?

These amendments removed traditional restrictions of race, gender, and age from voting rights.