

How did the patriots win the Revolutionary War?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Benjamin Franklin asked the French to help them defeat the British army.

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Q: How did the patriots win the Revolutionary War?
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How many wars did the patriots win in the Revolutionary War?

26 times ? i dont know

Did the Patriots win the Revolutionary War?

A patriot is someone who loves their country. So the answer is yes (we did) and no (they didn't) since there are patriots on both sides.

What did the patriots win the Revolutionary War?

well, patriots won there freedom of right from the England contrey well, patriots won there freedom of right from the England contrey

What did the patriots win during the Revolutionary war?

well, patriots won there freedom of right from the England contrey well, patriots won there freedom of right from the England contrey

Which battle signified a win for the patriots during the revolutionary war?

The battle of Yorktown was the biggest turning point and last battle. The Patriots won their independence after that

What European country signed a Treaty of Alliance with the colonies helping the patriots win the Revolutionary War?

The Kingdom of France.

What was Francis Marion's greatest accomplishment?

Helping the Patriots win the Revolutionary War!

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What are the patriots reasons for the revolutionary war?

The Patriots wanted a revolutionary war because they believed the colonies were not treated fairly by the British crown.

How many battles did the Patriots win during the first two years of the Revolutionary War?

how many battles did the patriots win in the first two years of the war NEW RESPONDENT Capture of Fort Ticonderoga, Lexington and Concord, Siege of Boston.

What were your allies during the Revolutionary War?

the patriots or the Americans took fort ticonderoga's cannons and won the revolutionary war so the patriots are our allies

What did the patriots do before the Revolutionary War?
