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people in the old stone age make life easier by using stones to make fire and they killed animals to survive

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Q: How did the people in the old stone age make life easier?
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What did the people from the old stone age make stone out of?

mud or clay

What did stone age people use to make houses?

Stone Age people lived largely in caves, or other natural stone shelters.

What are achievements and contributions of the Paleolithic people?

They were the first people to make tools (technology) which were made of stone. They were also the first hunters and gatherers. They invented the spear and the bow and arrows which made hunting easier for many more years

Did the Neolithic age people make stone tools and weapons?

no never they made them out of stone that is the paleolithic people the neolithic people made them out of copper and bronze.........

How did stone age improve over time?

An important development for early people was the use of technology-the application of knowledge tools and materials to make life easier. The first tools that people made were crude chipped stones. Over time people learned to make better tools out of wood and bone as well as stone. For example people learned to attach wooden handles to tools. By attaching a wooden handle to a stone arrow, people invented the spear. With spears, hunters could stand farther away from their prey and throw their weapons, which was safer. Another tool called a spear thrower, enabled stone age hunters to throw spear farther than by hand. As a result, hunters could take down larger prey, such as bison and mam-moths, which resembled large elephants. Early humans gradually learned gradually learned to make more refined and specialized tools. Later stone age people learned to make string from plant fibers and animal sinew. People then used the string to make nets and other traps to capture fish and small animals. Other new tools and weapons included the bow and arrow, bone hooks and fishing spears. To travel by water some people learned to make canoes by hollowing out logs. Such development greatly improved stone age life! Hope i helped! x