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Q: How did the plant populations in the communtiy change over time?
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What is evolution and what does it involve?

Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms; change over time. This is all that it involves and whether the driver of evolution is natural selection, the adaptive driver of evolution, genetic drift, a random process or gene flow between populations, gene frequencies in these populations change and that is all evolution involves. Now, how evolution occurs with it's various drivers is another question for another time.

What role do mutations play in evolution?

They provide the variation in organisms that other recombination methods do not. A beneficial mutation, leading to a small change in same trait, that is even marginally reproductively successful to the organism that possesses it will be selected for and passed on tho progeny thus changing the organisms population over time, regardless of how small the change. This is evolution, change in populations over time.

Describe darwin's theory of natural selection as the mechanism of evolution?

Short and sweet description. Natural selection is the nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying organisms. Variation. Struggle for existence. Selection. Heritability of traits. Adaptation of populations to environment. Leading to allele frequency change in populations over time; evolution.

How can genetic mutations support macro-evolution?

Mutations in an individuals germ line can be passed into progeny and if these mutations are beneficial then the allele frequency in the individuals population can change which is evolution. Over time and with many beneficial mutations against a favorable environment a population, or populations, most often geographically isolated, can change alleles so much that the two split populations can no longer interbreed and you have a new species; macro-evolution.

How are speciation and microevolution different?

Evolution and speciation. ( microevolution is imprecise ) Alleles can change over time in a population of organisms without any great change in the phenotype or behavior of a species. Then, to keep it simple, a geographic barrier arises between portions of the population and they can no longer interbreed, Mutations happen in the separate populations and evolution can take two different paths now with natural selection driving the winnowing of variations so that adaptive change is happening in the immediate environment of the sundered populations. Given enough time the two populations gene pools will have such a variance in the alleles contained in those two gene pools that two different species will arise.

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