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During the Monarchy and the Republic, the plebeians, like all Roman citizens, had the had the right to vote in the assembly of the tribes, which was a popular assembly. In the late Monarchy and early to mid-Republic, if they had a level property above a certain threshold, they could also vote in the assembly of the soldiers.

During the Republic, the plebeians also formed their own assembly, the plebeian council. Originally they voted in this council only on matters regarding the plebeians. Over time, this assembly became the main voting body to approve or reject most laws, including laws which were binding on all Roman citizens, including the patricians.

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Yes, they were Roman citizens and had the right to vote. In fact they had their own assembly which elected the aediles and tribunes.

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Did plebeians get to vote for a lifetime?

Yes they did, The Plebeians were a social class -- they were Roman citizens and had the vote for a lifetime. They could lose the vote by being stripped of their citizenship by doing something that would cause them to be judged "infames" and disgraced with loss of certain or all of their rights.

Why were plebeians unhappy with the government of the early republic?

They could not vote or hold government office.

What rights did the plebeians eventually gain?

The gain the right to vote and to make their own laws

What was the name of the two groups of citizens who could vote in elections in the Roman rebuplic?

All Romans citizens could vote. The Roman social orders were: patricians, equites and plebeians.

Who represented the Plebians?

The rights of the plebeians were represented by the plebeian tribunes, the leaders of the plebeian movement Although they were not officers of state, they had the power to veto the actions of any officer of state which they deemed to be harmful to the plebeians. They also proposed bills to the plebeian council, an assembly of the plebeians where all plebeians could go to vote the bills proposed by the plebeian tribunes and elect new plebeian tribunes every year. Over time, the the laws approved in the vote of this council (plebiscites) gained the force of law which was binding on all Roman citizens, including the patricians.

How did the plebeians gain the right to vote and hold political office in Roman Republic?

They threatened to leave Rome and build a new city.

How where patricians and plebeians different?

well the patricians are rich and wealthy landowners that could vote and they could take part in government positions, and make rule's ,were rich and powerful. but the plebeian were poor people, who didn't have land, or money, and they couldn't take part in government positions, but they could vote. so at the end the plebeians decided to rebel.

What are some rights that Patricians and Plebeians had in common?

As citizens of Rome, the plebeians and patricians had many shared rights. Some of them are: the right to own property, to make a will, to own a business, to vote, a trial and the right to appeal the verdict. These are just a few of the common rights.

Who is plebeians?

The plebeians were the commoners

Who are the merchants the plebeians or the patricians?

the merchants are the plebeians

Who was not allowed to vote in the early roman times?

Men who did not have a farm or other property, women, aliens, slaves.

Who were the patricians and who were the plebeians?

The patricians were the aristocracy and the plebeians were the commoners.