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Q: How did the policy of the new deal changed American beliefs?
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What change in American economic policy is associated politically with what event?

New deal

How did U.S policy toward the plains Indians changed in the late 1850s?

They went from making a deal to forcing them off the land.

What qualities or beliefs of the Puritans do you think enabled them to deal with the hardships they faced on their voyage and in America?

The Puritans' strong sense of community, obedience to authority, and unwavering faith in God were key qualities that enabled them to endure the hardships they faced during their voyage and in America. Their shared beliefs in hard work, discipline, and resilience helped them persevere through challenges and build a new society in the face of adversity.

How government attempt to deal with the growing conflict between Native?

The government brought in the North American Tribe policy to deal with the growing conflicts between them and the Natives.

The change in the American economic policy is associated economically with which of people?

its the NEW DEAL and you dont have to be an ass! Read the study and you'd learn something you lazy POS (A+)

What was president Roosevelts forigen policy?

Theodore Roosevelt The gunboat(big stick) policy, which meant that if the US was threatened or wanted something, then it would use its army Franklin Delano Roosevelt The New Deal policy meant that if you gave an American money, then he/she would spend it check New Deal

How would you deal with a policy change from management that you disagree with?

If this is your employer, you can speak with your manager or HR and request that the policy be changed back. If they refuse, you can live with it or find another job. If this is a business that you use, you can request that management change the policy back, or go to a competitor.

Theodore Roosevelt's domestic policy was called?

Theodore Roosevelts domestic policy was called the "Square Deal".

Is the square deal a domestic or foreign policy?

The square deal was a domestic policy because it was within the U.S. goverment ~

From the 1880's to the beginning of the New Deal the dominant American Indian Policy of the US government sought to?

break up tribal landholdings

What New Deal policy had the biggest long-term impact on the American economy?

Social security.This is because it is one of his only reforms that is still in effect today.The New Deal's Social Security Act has had the biggest long term effect on the American economy.

How does the work of an ambassador help advance American foreign policy?

The ambassador doesn't make policy but is like a middle man to express the policy. This can be a more friendly way to deal with a foreign government because understanding can be reached after a good dinner or a handshake.