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By naturally organizing it into a specialized and functional society.

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Q: How did the political structure help to bring feudalism to Europe and japan?
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How did the political structure help to bring about feudalism in Europe and Japan?

By naturally organizing it into a specialized and functional society.

Did Charlemagne bring feudalism to Europe?

Charlemagne did not bring feudalism to Europe. He did bring a series of changes that improved feudal society at this time.

How did Feudalism bring an organized system to Europe?

because feudilism is good

What was most responsible for bring about the decline of feudalism in western Europe?

revival of trade and commerce

What did the black death help bring an end to in Europe?

Black Death helped to end feudalism. It also helped to end influence of church over common people.

How did Charlemagne bring order to France?

years of feudalism in France

How did town charters weaken and eventually bring an end to feudalism?

As towns were built, trade became more important and feudalism became less important.

How did the renaissance help bring an end to feudalism?

it had to church rights ir rituals to cintinue

Why did Feudalism bring such stability to medieval society?

Feudalism let everyone know what their place was in society. It provided certainty in life and ensured everyone understood what their job was and who they served.

How did the Battle of Hastings contribute to the rise of feudalism?

William the Conqueror, who took over England after the Battle of Hastings, helped to bring the system of feudalism over from the country he was from to England after he had been crowned king.

What political efficacy?

The belief that political involvement can bring about change

When did the decline of feudalism happen?

Feudalism declined because of several factors. The society could no longer be controlled by the Church and its kings because the printing press had been developed allowing the general public to learn and think. When people can think they get ideas and that makes it harder to control them. Next, exploring had started bring new ideas, inventions, and foods into the old World from the New World. People were beginning to move around and learn about other people. All of this added to the decline of a feudal society.