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Renaissance thinkers reflected the Renaissance worldview by emphasizing Humanism, individualism, and a renewed interest in classical learning. They valued human potential, sought to understand the world through scientific inquiry, and celebrated the beauty of art and literature. These ideals contributed to a shift away from medieval thought and laid the foundation for the modern era.

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Q: How did the renaissance thinkers reflect the renaissance worldview?
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In what ways did thinkers and philosophers influence society in the development of a humanist worldview during the renaissance?

Thinkers and philosophers during the Renaissance influenced society by promoting human-centered ideas, emphasizing the importance of human experience, reason, and individual potential. They challenged traditional religious and scholastic beliefs, advocating for intellectual freedom and exploration in fields like art, science, and literature. This humanist worldview encouraged critical thinking, creativity, and a focus on human achievement and potential.

What culture did Renaissance thinkers look to for inspiration?

Renaissance thinkers looked to ancient Greek and Roman cultures for inspiration. They studied classical works of literature, art, and philosophy in order to revive the humanist ideals of individualism, rationality, and creativity. This cultural revival ultimately contributed to the intellectual and artistic flowering of the Renaissance period.

How did the worldview of Renaissance people change before and after the Renaissance?

Before the Renaissance, people held a more religious and feudal worldview, focusing on the afterlife and the authority of the church and monarchy. During the Renaissance, there was a shift towards humanism, individualism, secularism, and a greater emphasis on art, science, and education, leading to a more diverse and questioning worldview.

What ideas and attitudes renaissance thinkers stessed?

Renaissance thinkers stressed the importance of humanism, emphasizing the potential of individuals to achieve greatness through education, curiosity, and creativity. They also valued the revival of classical learning, promoting a rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman works. Additionally, Renaissance thinkers encouraged critical thinking, challenging traditional beliefs and promoting the idea of progress and innovation.

What was the worldview in Renaissance Europe?

The worldview in Renaissance Europe was characterized by a shift towards humanism, with a focus on human potential, individualism, and secularism. There was a renewed interest in classical learning, art, and literature, as well as a growing emphasis on observation, reason, and empirical evidence in areas such as science and exploration. This period marked a transition from the medieval worldview dominated by religion, towards a more human-centered perspective.

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yeah aha u know wat it is :P

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In what ways did thinkers and philosophers influence society in the development of a humanist worldview during the renaissance?

Thinkers and philosophers during the Renaissance influenced society by promoting human-centered ideas, emphasizing the importance of human experience, reason, and individual potential. They challenged traditional religious and scholastic beliefs, advocating for intellectual freedom and exploration in fields like art, science, and literature. This humanist worldview encouraged critical thinking, creativity, and a focus on human achievement and potential.

How was the Renaissance worldview different from the Middle Ages?

The renaissance was a time of change and creativity

How did the Renaissance worldview differ from the medieval worldview?

the renaissance was more of a revolution there were more scientific discoveries and it was time of great knowledge mainly during the medieval times it was more of "kings and queens serfdom during the renaissance they were eliminating serfdom"

Was renaissance a time when people questioned Ancient Rome or Ancient Greek?

The Renaissance is when the Enlightenment thinkers and Scientific Revolutionary thinkers questioned the Ancient Greek philosiphers like Aristotle.

How renaissance thinkers and artist viewed human beings?

With their eyes

How did renaissance thinkers and artists viewed human beings?

With their eyes

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How do forms of government and decision-making reflect a society’s worldview? Forms of government and decision-making reflect a society’s worldview by determining the type of laws, policies, and procedures that the society accepts and follows. For example, a society that holds a collective worldview would likely have a form of government that emphasizes the collective good, such as socialism, whereas a society with an individualistic worldview would likely have a form of government that emphasizes individual rights, such as a democracy. Similarly, decisions made by a society’s government will reflect its worldview. A society with a collective worldview will likely make decisions that focus on the collective good, while a society with an individualistic worldview will likely make decisions that focus on individual rights and freedoms. References;

What civilizations did renaissance thinkers and artists take inspiration from?

Greek and Roman.

What does thinkers mean?

It takes a wise person to be a Renaissance thinker with perseverance.

How did the political system during the edo period reflect its worldview?

go ask your mum