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old sexy ladies did it

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Q: How did the scientists decode the Egyptian hieroglyphs?
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What are somethings scientists can read on papyrus scrolls?

The ancient Egyptian form of writing called hieroglyphs.

The discovery of what enabled archaeologist to decode hieroglyphs?

The Rosetta Stone.

What kind of writing did the Egyptian have?

they had hieroglyphs

How were Egyptian hieroglyphs decoded?

Hieroglyphics are a writing system made up of small pictures and characters. An early way to decode them was by using the Hieroglyphica, which dates back to the 5th century. The primary way to decode them now is with the Rosetta Stone, which was discovered in the 18th century by Napoleon Bonaparte's troops.

What was the name of the Egyptian system of writing?


Where were Egyptian hieroglyphs used?

Egypt of course!

Who is the first decipherer of Egyptian hieroglyphs?


What was the Egyptian unique writing?

Hieroglyphs and Hieratic.

What are the drawings on the Egyptian temples called?


What will you mostly find in an Egyptian pyramid?

Hieroglyphs. Millions of characters made different words and sounds in ancient Egyptian, and hieroglyphs litter the walls of ancient Egyptian tombs, along with rich pictures.

How do you write Aphrodites name in Egyptian?

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs are not supported on this text. I would suggest finding the hieroglyphs per each letter rather then the meaning.

The key that helped scholars decode some Egyptian hieroglyphics is the?

The Rosetta Stone is the key that helped scholars decode some Egyptian hieroglyphics.