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Q: How did the separation of earth's continent affect biogical evolution?
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How did the separation of earth continent affect biological evolution?

Different creatures had different areas of land that they had to inhabit and the plant life became different because it could mingle with other forms of plant life so the animals had to adapt to eat the new kinds of plants. Different animals evolved because of the continued separation of them with their ancestors.

What did the separation of Earth's continents affect biological evolution?

I have the same question. It is incredible that some things look similar in different continents. When America was discovered, they had a language, a religion, a political system... they used clothes, fire, weapons. They lived in houses and they had the family... They are plants and animals... They, probably, could write... Is not amazing? It is!

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What is affect evolution?

The term coevolution (affect) is used to describe cases where two (or more) species reciprocally affect each other's evolution. So for example, an evolutionary change in the morphology of a plant, might affect the morphology of an herbivore that eats the plant, which in turn might affect the evolution of the plant, which might affect the evolution of the herbivore and so on.

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Separation does not affect ownership. Only the parties or the court can change the ownership.

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The government would have become a tyranny if there was no separation of powers

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Speciation adds to biodiversity. Hence it affect the evolution of best suited forms to come up.

How did separation of earths continents affect biological evolution?

Different creatures had different areas of land that they had to inhabit and the plant life became different because it could mingle with other forms of plant life so the animals had to adapt to eat the new kinds of plants. Different animals evolved because of the continued separation of them with their ancestors.

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mountains affect prevealing winds as they blow across a continent

How did the earth separation of earths continents affect biological evolution?

Different creatures had different areas of land that they had to inhabit and the plant life became different because it could mingle with other forms of plant life so the animals had to adapt to eat the new kinds of plants. Different animals evolved because of the continued separation of them with their ancestors.

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