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For a mutation to affect evolution it must occur in the dominant allele. This allele is what is passed on.

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Q: For a mutation to affect evolution it must occur in?
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Where must a mutation occur if it passed to offspring?

In the gametes (e.g. sperm or egg)

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Variation must exist

What is the necessary conditions for evolution to occur?

Variation must exist.

What must occur for a gene pool within a population to change?

A genetic mutation within the population.

What is the one of the conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

All organisms must reproduce.

What must happen in order for evolution to exist?

Without heredity what use would there be to selection and why evolution? Just take beneficial mutations in the germ line for example. No heredity and nothing to enter the populations gene pool and no evolution. No heredity and there would be no variation in populations and the first environmental challenge would carry your population to extinction.

What must affect evolution?

Climate change is a good example of an environmental factor that will certainly affect the way populations evolve.

What must be true for a characteristic to affect evolution?

Evolution is the change of allele frequency in a population of organisms. So, for a characteristic to affect evolution it must be heritable, genetically so, it must be selected for, or be the result of recombination processes and it must be in the germ line where it is passed to future generation of, hopefully, reproductively successful organisms who leave enough decedents to change the allele frequency in the populations gene pool over time.

How could the evolution of a characteristic within one species affect the evolution of a characteristic within another species?

A simple coevolution explanation here. A population of rabbits that is running faster, on average, over time is going to affect the population of foxes that pursue the rabbits as food. Some foxes will have variations that lead to faster running and these foxes will be the ones that are reproductively successful and give rise to following generations of foxes.

What is a synonymous polymorphism?

A synonymous polymorphism is where a mutation alters the base in the DNA sequence but doesn't alter the amino acid encoded (due to the redundancy of the genetic code). Typically, for it to be classified as a polymorphism (as opposed to a mutation) it must occur in greater than 1% of the population.