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The sin of Adam and Eve was one of rebellion against God. Complete and outright disobedience to Him. Eve first, then Adam. Soon as they disobeyed, they went and hid from God. Sin brought fear, fear of consequences. What would God do? There was no fear or worry when they walked in obedience with God. Life was perfect, creation was glorious and beautiful.

When they sinned, and disobeyed their Creator, sin entered into them, that rebellious nature that says "No thanks God, I'll do it my way" and now they were "officially" known as sinners, carrying in themselves the sin naturethat would be passed down to their descendants, and every human being by virtue of birth.

I often thought why didn't God just wipe them out and start again, it wasn't my choice to be born with a sin nature, yet God is Holy and Just and God gives us freedom to choose, be it right or wrong and yes, He knew just what would happen, however for the countless numbers that would received forgiveness through Jesus from sin He chose to deal with sin by bringing forth a sinless Son, Jesus. As Jesus was dying, He called out to God, and said, "Why have You forsaken Me" - it was because God could not look upon the sin that Jesus was carrying in His body. Sin alienates humans from God.

Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned". Sin is SO offensive to God that Romans 6:23 states "The wages of sin is death". And that's why only a sinless person could take our place on the cross and carry the world's sin on His body - 1Peter2:24 and defeat death and rise again, giving believers eternal life which was the original plan of God. Satan is a liar and the father of lies from the very beginning and he wanted to usurp God's creation right from the start.

I don't think Adam and Eve ever knew the consequences for humanity their sin caused.

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Q: How did the sin of Adam and Eve become the sin of all their descendants?
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