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Q: How did the south states get back into to the union after the civil war?
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Why did the south rejoin the union?

The North won the civil war, which meant that the South had to rejoin the union and free their slaves.The major goals were to rejoin all the states back to the Union and to help rebuild the South

What was the civil war a beginning of?

the south to come back into the union

After the civil war what states had to go back to the Union?

all the states had to go back to the union. not all at once, but they did go back. hope this helps:-)

Why did the civil war start from the north and south?

The Civil War between the North and South started due to their respective beliefs about slavery and states' rights. The South ultimately decided to secede from the Union, but Lincoln wanted to bring the South back into the country.

How did Lincoln view the south after the Civil War ended?

He wanted to bring the south back into the Union.

How did Southern States get back into the Union after the Civil?

through the reconstruction process.

What effect did the civil war have on the united States?

It put the south (confederate) in ruins both economicallyand physically. The noth won (union) and they slowly started to put the south back together. The civil war ended slavery

What was Reconstruction?

It is the period in the United States history immediately following the Civil War whereby the federal government set the conditions that allows the rebellious Southern states back into the Union.

What were the reasons why the union fought in the civil war?

They wanted to end slavery in the us and get the southern states back into the union

What is the name the period after the civil war when the states were brought back to the union?

Its referred to as Reconstruction.

What was Abraham Lincoln's goal in the civil war?

Simply to win the south back after they seceded from the union

What was the goal of Lincoln and the Union army during the civil war?

To defeat the Confederate armies and bring the rebel states back into the Union.