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The mechnical idea behind a Steam engine is very simple:

Take a Tea Pot and seal it up.

Conect an outlet pipe to a Cylinder with a Piston in it.

Boil the water

The steam will propel the Piston down the cylinder

Conect the piston to a crank, say on a Locomotive wheel (Very Small Locomotive if we are using my tea pot)

Create a valve system that will allow thew steam in when the piston is ready to push the crank and allow the steam out when the piston is ready to travel back to the start point.

Bingo Bango the Steam age has arrived

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Q: How did the steam engine propel the growth of industry and transportation and help bring about the industrial revolution?
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The steam engine helped fuel the industrial revolution by giving a regular supply of power to factories and workshops.

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The Industrial Revolution.

How did the steam engine affect the development of industry and transportation?

Started new tecknology and new period of time and new tranportation

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Nothing at all the industrial revolution happened 40 years before the advent of the internal combustion engine and it happened a good hundred years before in england.

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What was the most important part of the transportation revolution?

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The steam engine. Apex

What was of the most important innovation of the transportation revolution?

The steam engine

What was the most important innovations of the transportation revolution?

The steam engine