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Because it covered 25% of the world and was so widespread that the sun was always shining on some part of it.

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Q: How did the sun never set on the united kingdoms empire?
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Why the sun never set on the british empire?

the sun never set on the british empire because britain had many colonies around the world.

What nations had the largest imperial empire in the 1800s upon which it was famously claimed the sun never set?

Although the question may seem incomplete it actually offers a phrase that identifies the empire to which it asks about. The British Empire of the 1800's and beyond that well into the 20th century was termed the "empire where the sun never set". It was the largest empire of its time.

What country of European control did the sun never set?

There was a time when the sun never set on the British Empire, but now it does.

Why does the sun never rises on the English empire?

I think what you mean is why does the sun never set on the English Empire...and it was a truthful saying that was used when the British Empire controlled more than one third of the world...the sun never set on the British Empire because they owned land all over the world and once the sun set on one part of the empire, it was rising on another...hope this helps

What was the age of migrations?

The Age of Migrations was a time from about 350 AD to about 700 AD when Germanic tribes and other similar groups, migrated into the territory of the Roman Empire and nearby lands, occupying it and setting up their own kingdoms. The time was rather chaotic, but from the kingdoms founded were a few that became important. Most notably, the Franks, one of the Germanic tribal groups, set up kingdoms that were united, became the Carolingian Empire, and were ancestral to France and the Holy Roman Empire. Other migrating groups included the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Burgundians, Suevi, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Lombards, and Vandals.

What happened to the government after the falling of the Roman Empire?

The German tribes who invaded the empire set up kingdoms in the territory of the former empire. Italy was never again united under the same government until the 19th century. Part was reconquered by the eastern Roman Empire under Justinian by his great general Belisarius (a Serb). But even he never conquered the whole area. There was then an infection of Plague similar to the Black Death of medieval Europe and most of the area was lost again to German kingdoms. Byzantium (eastern Roman empire) continued to control Ravenna and parts of the south. Sicily and parts of southern Italy were conquered by Muslims and held it until the southern par was invaded by Normans (the same sort of people who conquered England). The middle part was conquered by the Pope and became the papal states. The northern part became part of the Holy Roman Empire (a German kingdom of the Franks).

10 facts about the British empire?

The British Empire were the biggest Empire ever created The Sun never set on them and thats it thank you <3 xx

What year did the British empire brag the sun never set on the British empire?

it was said by Germany and France because of the were jealous of the Britain empire because the had large empire.

Why did the sun never set in the british empire in 1900?

The sun never set on the British Empire in 1900 because of the varied places one earth that were part if the British Empire. At any given time during a twenty-four hour period, the sun was shining on one of these possessions.

What was the Sun never sets on the German empire?

The Germans never really had an Empire, as the quote is actually the Sun never sets on the British Empire. This was said because the British Empire was so big that when the sun set in Australia and New Zealand which was in the eastern part of the Empire it was early morning in Canada, which was in the western part of the Empire meaning it was always daylight somewhere.

What is United Kingdoms geographical position in relation to the international date line?

Before World War II, the slogan was that the sun never set on the British Empire; there were British territories literally all around the world. It's still sort-of true, if we include the Commonwealth nations as part of the United Kingdom. However, the UK generally refers to the British islands of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. That would be on the other side of the world from the International Date Line.

The sun never set on the Spanish empire?

yes, they say this a long time ago.... i dont know.........