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Before the independence there were too much taxes and after there were too little after they tried to fix it.

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Q: How did the taxation problem in America differ before and after independence?
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How did taxation in America differ before and after the independence?

Before the independence there were too much taxes and after there were too little after they tried to fix it.

Who spoke out taxation without representation?

The British colonists in America before the War of Independence (no taxation without representation /in the British Parliament/).

How many wars has America been through before the Declaration of Independence?

Ha! Trick question! There WAS no America before the Declaration of Independence!

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What happened before the Oregon trail in America?

America gained independence from Britain and America was formed

What was used before the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence was written to declare independence from Great Britain. It stated that America was a new colony.

Was there other presidents before Washington?

No- Not in the United States of America . Before the United States existed, there were presidents of the Continental Congresses that existed was before independence was declared from Britain and after independence, to conduct the war of independence.

Who led America into the war before you won your independence?

George Washington

How did the magna carta influence the declaration of independance?

The Magna Carta did not directly influence the Declaration of Independence, but the framers noted that theories such as "Trial by jury of their peers, and no taxation and without representation." Both theories echoed throughout the colonies before and after the Declaration of Independence.

Did John F Kennedy write the declaration of independence?

No, America was already a country long before Kennedy was born. Thomas Jefferson signed the Decloration of Independence.

Who ruled America before 1776?

America was not a nation prior to 1776. Portions of it were originally ruled by Native Americans and later by European colonists. The 13 colonies that became the United States of America was ruled by Britain directly before they declared their independence in 1776.

Why did the British oppose the American Revolution?

Because the British had already fought a war in North America. The French were a formidable enemy at that time and the British had to spend alot of resources. This is why Americans were so heavily taxed in the time period before the Revolutionary War. This taxation led to a hatred of the British by Americans. In short the British opposed American independence for no other reason than their colony, which created a handsome revenue.