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They had moved the aristocracy of Judea to Babylon and replaced them in Judea with one from Babylon. This was the way the Assyrians and the Chaldeans kept down conquered peoples - an imported foreign aristocracy would be unsympathetic to the people they ruled and would stop uprisings. So the Judean aristocracy was moved to Babylon to ule a different people there.

When Persian king Cyrus took over the Chaldean and Syrian empires, he allowed the Jewish aristocracy the choice of staying in Babylon or going back to Judaea to try to reclaim their old estates there. Half elected to stay in Babylon where they already controlled estates, the rest went beck to Judea where the lower classes of the Jews had remained; some were successful some weren't.

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Q: How did the treatment of the conquered Jewish people differ when the Persians conquered the Chaldeans?
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