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Stevens and American-Hawaiian businessmen Stanford Dole of Dole Pineapple, and Lorrin Thurston met to hatch "an audacious plot to overthrow Hawaii's Queen and bring her country into the United States, Queen Lili'uokalani's was held captive by the US marines and eventually had to give in to the US demands and the demands of Mr. Dole who had a big influence on the economy at the time, and thus Hawaii became a US territory.

One would lead you to believe that Hawaii became a state of the United States by virtue of the people there petitioning to join. The Islands were overthrown by threatening of force and political conspiracy.

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The US overthrew the government using Navy seals and kicked out the Queen from power so they could use Hawaii as a military base.

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Q: How did the us acquire hawaiian islands?
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The Hawaiian Islands.

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